Soukei Baku is a story that involves the confrontation between two clans: The Amaretsu and the Makato. As each clan progressed, they both formed their own path. The Amaretsu followed the path of the samurai, while the Makato followed the path of the ninja. Even though both clans represented different truths, they both fashioned the same martial art known as, Kenjutsu.
Though these two clans focus on the same weapon (katana) their technique differs in positioning, strength, and speed. The Amaretsu holds the katana with both hands, while the Makato holds their katana in a reverse angle. The war started after Hirekuzo, the last heir to the Makato’s greatest fortune, thought ill intentions of the Amaretsu as they progressed through their markets. Soon the Amaretsu became targets of vicious strikes led by the ninja assassins of the Makato clan.
The battle lasted for generations. After a treaty that was forged by the Amaretsu was passed, both clans decided to end the bloodshed. Both clans decided to come together as one, and thus was the birth of the Amakatu academy. The school was a new birth that reflected peace among both clans.
The students who attended, however, was unaware of the crucial points to their clan’s histories. That meant, that everything that was affiliated with the Great War was withheld them, including techniques that the old masters of both clans once knew. This decision was made so that the clans will forever be at peace.
The Amakatu academy was a place where students could further develop their martial skill. The school consisted of six buildings: The main building (which consisted classes for both clans), the Amaretsu and the Makato dormitories/dojos, and the clinic. Closed off by all surrounding buildings was the Baku (a commons area where students can eat, train, spar, meditate or what have you. The Baku had full green grass, large beautiful trees, and beautiful flowers. Outside of the school grounds is the Gekkai forest. Stripped from public record, the Gekkai forest was the last path the Amaretsu marched as they entered the Great Battle. Students often run into the Gekkai to spar with friends that are in the opposite clan.
Though everything may seem peaceful, the Makato has never forgotten the plunge in their markets that had been caused by the Amaretsu even to this day. The Makato’s favor of power and victory, has always vowed to dismantle what is left of the Amaretsu clan. There will always be men searching for grand inquiry, in this case, the Makato’s inner assassins…the Yinpochi, who are a group of some of the best ninja assassins to ever branch from the Makato. Their job is to eliminate the Amaretsu, by recruiting or secretly killing its members. Amaretsu students be warned.
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