Written by: Rasheem, MC
At mid-day, sunset rested around the orange fall season that covered
the academy. The Baku was filled with twirling leaves that ran amongst
themselves against the winds like small tornadaos.
In a particular area of the Baku, where relaxation, and the practice of
yielding to the world's energy, meant a lot to silence.
It was almost like a library that existed outside. There were four students
sitting on their heels in the middle of several cyclone spinning leaves.
They all kept silent, inhaling and exhaling deeply. The energy around them
caressed their personas, and guided them to a filling nature. Each student
had their katana laying next to them. The length of each blade stretched
the distance between their knees to their feet, as they sat with their hands
cupped together, their knuckles pointing under their chin.
Soukei, Naoki, Jai-Po, and Ryukaga all sat, focusing the hymms of their respective
ways of combat. Ryukaga joined the ranks of the Makato clan after his
family became poor. He felt if he joined the academy, he would be able to provide
for his parents who desperately searched for small work everyday.
Once Ryukaga sought the attention of Xaohu, headmaster of Makato, he promised
Ryukaga that if he completed his lessons and did well in his training, that he
would allow his family to permanently work for the clan. Thus far, Ryukaga showed
very high potential. He is the only student to possess such a unique stamina and
focus that no other student has ever seen.
Despite his ability, however, Ryukaga has never defeated another Makato member
in a spar. In the end, Ryukaga performed great efforts and was not afraid to
go beyond the boundaries of Makato's ordinary ninja. However, as Xaohu explained
to Ryukaga...effort was not enough to achieve victory. It takes more than effort.
Xaohu explained that you must have the will to attain status over your opponent.
Ryukaga never performed such a will. His true promise was held back by the sad
memories his family faced in the past. Xaohu also explained that if Ryukaga wishes
to finally triumph in combat, he would also need the determination of guaranteed
Though they were a part of the same clan, Jai-Po and Ryukaga rarely spoke.
Secretly, however, Ryukaga found Jai-Po to be a huge inspiration. He realized Jai-Po's
true mental strength and tried to adapt that into his own. Jai-Po never spoke to Ryukaga
not because he didn't want to, but because Xaohu insisted that he does not bother
himself with such burdens that Ryukaga carries with him.
Xaohu feels that if Jai-Po becomes tied to Ryukaga, the issues that Ryukaga's
family has faced, will soon enter Jai-Po's concentration...which would render him useless.
Ryukaga and Soukei were good friends at the academy.
The two of them performed some of the most exciting spars that has ever been seen
within the Gekkai. Ryukaga came very close to defeating Soukei, but one slip up caused
Ryukaga to lose.
The boy's left ankle twisted sideways as he graciously evaded Soukei's twirling katana.
As he started tumbling to the ground, Soukei extended his left hand and latched onto
Ryukaga's right hand wrist. Soukei stopped the tumbling Ryukaga from falling,
lunged forward, and wrapped his right arm over his right shoulder.
While Soukei's form motioned counter-clockwise, the back of his right shoulder diving
into Ryukaga's right arm pit, he pulled Ryukaga forward as the boy quickly dove down
along Soukei's upper backside, and found himself being thrown to the ground.
Soukei used his right arm to wrap around Ryukaga's, as the bottom of his palm pressed
against the boy's elbow. In this position, one move would've snapped Ryukaga's
elbow, and bent his arm back against the elbow joint. Ryukaga forever remembered that
day, and vowed to never make a slip up like that again.
Naoki began humming in the group's silence. She began humming what her grandmother
used to do just before she fell asleep. This also played a fine part in Naoki's combat ability.
Two years back, the academy hosted its second annual competition, where students
from both clans were allowed to battle for first place. This is where Naoki and Soukei first
met, as their match with one another was a tight one. In the end, however, Naoki ended
up defeating Soukei through a unanimous vote.
Sadly, however, Jai-Po did not participate inside the tournament. In fact, before it started,
Jai-Po, as well as Xaohu, were rarely seen. At the time, Jai-Po and Naoki were not
together. It was a time when Naoki never seen Jai-Po's combat in person. From stories,
however, Jai-Po was meant to be the most deadliest of all students at the academy.
Only one person has ever seen Jai-Po in combat...Soukei's father, Wu-Shin.
Ever since, Wu-Shin demanded that no one gets involve with Jai-Po...for he fears that the
boy's strength is not his very own...and could fight even when his body cannot.
While everyone continued to meditate, Ryukaga peeked open his left eye and glanced
at all the others who were still locked within their state. He took the initiative to speak.
"So, the annual competition begins in three more days...has anyone entered yet?"
"Well, my father listed me as a contestant. Hopefully, I will be able to get my revenge
on you Naoki." replied Soukei with a wide grin.
"Oh, we'll see." she said smiling. "Jai-Po...are you participating as well? I think it would be
really cool..."
"My clan master does not want me to...I'am forbidden to participate in any of them...but
I really want to, you know? I keep asking him why I cannot participate...but he seems
to ignore me at all times. He wants me to become stronger, but he will not allow me to enlist...
But...I will. This time, I promise to show the academy how well I can do in a fight!
As I wish to go against the best." replied Jai-Po.
"....................." Ryukaga stayed silent...He knew that if Jai-Po did manage to enlist...
the probability of him facing Jai-Po would be high. The competition bouts all students together,
even students within the same clan.
"Hehehe, well? What do you say, Soukei? Think you'll be able to take me on?" Jai-Po asked.
"It'll be great to finally see the great Jai-Po in combat. I have finally perfected my technique.
Just wait until you guys see how quickly I can get first place!" said Soukei.
"Well, well...look whos cocky." Naoki said giggling.
The three of them began laughing...except Ryukaga. Somewhere deep down, Ryukaga
remembered what Xaohu told him...that he put in so much effort, but in the end, effort
was not enough to win anything. He remembered Xaohu telling him how his combat
prowess does not favor the will to achieve victory. That effort and will were different.
If you're true to your goal, having will means that you will guarantee yourself the victory.
Effort is simply a tool used to show the strengths of an individual...and not his weakness.
A full warrior embraces his strengths and weaknesses. For a full warrior realizes what
can defeat him. At any rate, Ryukaga is afraid of his own fear.
A fear that he would let his family down. Ryukaga's worried eyes stared at the fully green
grass surrounding his knees and sighed.
Soukei glanced over at Ryukaga.
Ryukaga snapped out of his dazed expression and looked over at Soukei. He realized that
everyone was looking at him, except Jai-Po who kept his eyes closed.
"Oh...right! Yes, I'am looking forward to it as well. However, this will be my first
competition...I've only been here for a year...I'm not sure what to expect if I enter..."
"It is true that there are many good competitors here at the academy. But I've seen
your fight with Soukei, and you will do fine!" said Naoki with a smile.
Naoki had always attempted to give Ryukaga faith and encouragement. A while ago, Naoki
was like Ryukaga as well. Not knowing what to expect. Afraid to be beaten.
When she first entered the academy, Naoki felt that she entered a place where her skill
meant nothing compared to the talent that she witnessed.
But this didn't stop her from proving that she belongs as well. Wu-Shin saw that
her persistance will grant her true strength. He taught her, that in her case, insisting upon
victory, means you have the will to win, but also shows a glint of honor. Insistance comes
with pride...with pride...comes with honor. If used correctly, both fashions becomes
a force to reckoned with.
"Yeah, don't worry about it. We'll be there for you." said Soukei.
Ryukaga smiled in response to the help of his friends and nodded his head.
"...It is getting late. I must return to my dorm." said Jai-Po.
"Yeah, I suppose you're right." replied Naoki. "So what are we doing tommorow?" she asked.
"My uncle, Osagawa Tenaku, will be arriving here tommorow. He and master Xaohu are
long-term friends." Jai-Po mentioned.
"Wait...did you say 'Osagawa Tenaku?" asked Soukei.
"Yes...why? have you heard of him?"
"My father said that he is one of the greatest ninja assassins to ever hail from the Makato...
But he refused to go any further to tell me anything else."
"My uncle teaches a private sector of individuals. He won't even tell me what technique
they utilize...but he has told me that Hsou-Saijin was his favorite warrior."
"Hsou-Saijin?" asked Naoki.
"Hsou-Saijin was said to be the first ninja assassin to ever lead both of our clans to victory
in the great war with the Izumi tribes...after Takamori, one of the greatest samurai to have ever existed, died of a sudden illness...But that was all he told me about Hsou-Saijin. The first ever ninja in
Makato history to lead both clans at once."
"...Really?" asked Soukei. "Wow, that is pretty cool. Well...I will perhapes gear up
tommorow and go through the Gekkai to hunt. Anyone can join me if they wish."
Soukei got up and stretched. Ryukaga decided to stand and dust himself off as well.
"Alright, well...I will be heading back guys. Soukei, I may just take you up on that
offer tommorow. I wouldn't mind doing a little hunting myself. A great way to sharpen up
our skills for the competition...right...?" said Ryukaga.
"Yeah." replied Soukei.
Naoki's eyes looked deep into Jai-Po's. Tommorow would be impossible for them to unite again.
She decided she may as well travel along with Soukei and Ryukaga.
"Alright...well...since you're going to be busy tommorow, I suppose I will tag along with
them..." she said.
Naoki and Jai-Po stood to there feet. They wanted to hug each other, but not inside the Baku.
Instead, they decided to shake hands.
"I love you, Naoki." Jai-Po said. Naoki gave those exact words back, as Jai-Po departed.
Ryukaga then turned, waved, and said goodbye.
Soukei and Naoki turned and walked off as well. Jai-Po briefly turned around over his shoulder
and eyed Soukei and Naoki before entering his dorm. Deep down, Jai-Po
didn't know if he could fully trust Naoki's relationship with Soukei. They were part of the same
clan, and was allowed opportunities that they could not share with the Makato.
All in all...the time of the competition is counting down
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